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Free download – Videohive 43005330 Creative Titles 2.0 | FCPX
This product includes Final Cut Pro Template files, Tutorial file. You can download editing materials like “Videohive 43005330 Creative Titles 2.0 | FCPX” for free, including video assets like Effects, Templates, Plugin, Transitions, and LUTs for most popular video editing software like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effect, and Davinci Resolve Editing Assets at With categories like Slideshow, Opener, Transitions, Title, Color, Element, and Broadcast… they will help you save a ton of time making them work with your edits.
Product feature:
- Creative Titles 2.0
- The template is easy to customize, change the text, images, colors
- Fast render
- No plugins
- Video tutorial
Keywords: animations, clean, creative, davinci, davinci template, elegant, facebook, fast, follow, instagram, link, links, logo, lower thirds, macro, minimal, modern, profile, quote, quotes, quotes template, resolve, simple, social media, stylish, subscribe, text, title, titles, typo, youtube
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